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/ Programming Languages Suite / ProgramD2.iso / Borland / Borland C++ V5.02 / SCRIPT.PAK / EPSILON.KBD < prev    next >
Text File  |  1997-05-06  |  69KB  |  816 lines

  1. //-------------------------------------------------------
  2. // Epsilon Keymap Data File.
  3. //-------------------------------------------------------
  4. // $Revision:   1.35  $
  5. // The format for KBD files is as follows:
  6. // The [Assigments:Keyboard] section is used to
  7. // perform assignments to the specified subsystem.
  8. // Possible subsystems may be found in the documnetation
  9. // under KeyboardManager.GetKeyboard(...).
  10. // Each line represents one assignment and has the
  11. // following format:
  12. //
  13. // KeyDescription |:| KeyCommand [|:| KeyFlag [|:| Comment]]
  14. //
  15. // The delimiter is needed to clearly deliniate each
  16. // column.  A position value could not be used since
  17. // some key descriptions may go beyond any selected
  18. // value.  Spaces could not be used since some key
  19. // commands may include them.  If the |:| needs to be
  20. // used in a command then the key must be assigned to
  21. // another macro which can use the delimiter without
  22. // invalidating this file.  If a comment is needed, but not a
  23. // Keyflag then both delimiters must still be present.
  24. //-------------------------------------------------------
  26. [Assignments:Desktop]
  27. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  28. // Key            |:|Command                          |:|Flags |:|Comment
  29. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  30. <Alt-Down>        |:|IDE.ViewActivate(DOWN);          |:|      |:|Moves to the pane below the current pane
  31. <Alt-End>         |:|editor.NextView();               |:|      |:|
  32. <Escape><End>     |:|editor.NextView();               |:|      |:|
  33. <Alt-F5>          |:|IDE.DebugInspect();              |:|      |:|Inspect command - Debug|Inspect
  34. <Escape><F5>      |:|IDE.DebugInspect();              |:|      |:|Inspect command - Debug|Inspect
  35. <Alt-F7>          |:|IDE.SearchPreviousMessage();     |:|      |:|Previous message command - Search|Previous message
  36. <Escape><F7>      |:|IDE.SearchPreviousMessage();     |:|      |:|Previous message command - Search|Previous message
  37. <Alt-F8>          |:|IDE.SearchNextMessage();         |:|      |:|Next message command - Search|Next message
  38. <Escape><F8>      |:|IDE.SearchNextMessage();         |:|      |:|Next message command - Search|Next message
  39. <Alt-F9>          |:|IDE.ProjectCompile();            |:|      |:|Compile command - Project|Compile
  40. <Escape><F9>      |:|IDE.ProjectCompile();            |:|      |:|Compile command - Project|Compile
  41. <Alt-F10>         |:|IDE.SpeedMenu();                 |:|      |:|SpeedMenu
  42. <Escape><F10>     |:|IDE.SpeedMenu();                 |:|      |:|SpeedMenu
  44. <Alt-Home>        |:|editor.PreviousView();           |:|      |:|
  45. <Escape><Home>    |:|editor.PreviousView();           |:|      |:|
  46. <Alt-Left>        |:|IDE.ViewActivate(LEFT);          |:|      |:|Moves to the pane on the left of the current pane
  47. <Alt-Right>       |:|IDE.ViewActivate(RIGHT);         |:|      |:|Moves to the pane on the right of the current pane
  48. <Alt-Up>          |:|IDE.ViewActivate(UP);            |:|      |:|Moves to the pane above the current pane
  49. <Alt-x>           |:|IDE.ScriptRun();                 |:|      |:|Run command - Script|Run command
  50. <Escape><x>       |:|IDE.ScriptRun();                 |:|      |:|Run command - Script|Run command
  51. <Alt-Shift-x>     |:|IDE.ScriptRun();                 |:|      |:|Run command - Script|Run command
  52. <Escape><Shift-x> |:|IDE.ScriptRun();                 |:|      |:|Run command - Script|Run command
  54. <Ctrl-F2>         |:|IDE.DebugTerminateProcess();     |:|      |:|Terminate process command - Debug|Terminate process
  55. <Ctrl-F3>         |:|IDE.ViewCallStack();             |:|      |:|Call stack command - View|Call Stack
  56. <Ctrl-F5>         |:|IDE.DebugAddWatch();             |:|      |:|Add watch command - Debug|Add watch
  57. <Ctrl-F7>         |:|IDE.FileSaveAs();                |:|      |:|Save As command - File|Save as
  58. <Ctrl-F8>         |:|IDE.ScriptModules();             |:|      |:|Modules command
  59. <Ctrl-F9>         |:|IDE.DebugRun();                  |:|      |:|Run command - Debug|Run
  60. <Ctrl-g>          |:|ResetBlock();                    |:|      |:|Abort command
  61. <Ctrl-PageUp>     |:|editor.EmacsEnlargeWindow();     |:|      |:|Zoom in, zooms the entire image in the currently selected window
  62. <Ctrl-x><^>       |:|editor.EmacsEnlargeWindow();     |:|      |:|Zoom in, zooms the entire image in the currently selected window
  63. <Ctrl-x><(>       |:|IDE.ToggleKeystrokeRecording();  |:|      |:|Record a key macro
  64. <Ctrl-x><)>       |:|IDE.ToggleKeystrokeRecording();  |:|      |:|Record a key macro
  65. <Ctrl-x><0>       |:|editor.EmacsDeleteView();        |:|      |:|Remove active pane
  66. <Ctrl-x><2>       |:|editor.CreateView(UP);           |:|      |:|Creates a new pane above the current pane
  67. <Ctrl-x><5>       |:|editor.CreateView(LEFT);         |:|      |:|Creates a new pane to the left of the current pane
  68. <Ctrl-x><Ctrl-c>  |:|IDE.FileClose();                 |:|      |:|Close the active window
  69. <Ctrl-x><Ctrl-Shift-c>  |:|IDE.FileClose();           |:|      |:|Close the active window
  70. <Ctrl-Shift-x><Ctrl-c>  |:|IDE.FileClose();           |:|      |:|Close the active window
  71. <Ctrl-Shift-x><Ctrl-Shift-c>  |:|IDE.FileClose();     |:|      |:|Close the active window
  72. <Ctrl-Shift-x><Ctrl-Shift-w>  |:|IDE.FileSaveAs();    |:|      |:|Save As command - File|Save as
  73. <Ctrl-x><e>       |:|IDE.PlaybackKeystrokeRecording();|:|      |:|Playback a key macro
  74. <Ctrl-x><l>       |:|editor.EmacsCountLines();        |:|      |:|Display line count and cursor position in status line
  75. <Ctrl-x><r>       |:|IDE.EditRedo();                  |:|      |:|Redo command - Edit|Redo
  76. <Ctrl-Shift-x><Ctrl-r> |:|IDE.EditRedo();             |:|      |:|Redo command - Edit|Redo
  77. <Ctrl-x><Ctrl-Shift-r> |:|IDE.EditRedo();             |:|      |:|Redo command - Edit|Redo
  78. <Ctrl-x><s>       |:|IDE.FileSaveAll();               |:|      |:|Save all files
  79. <Ctrl-x><Ctrl-s>  |:|IDE.FileSave();                  |:|      |:|Save command - File|Save
  80. <Ctrl-Shift-x><Ctrl-s> |:|IDE.FileSave();             |:|      |:|Save command - File|Save
  81. <Ctrl-x><Ctrl-Shift-s> |:|IDE.FileSave();             |:|      |:|Save command - File|Save
  82. <Ctrl-Shift-x><Ctrl-Shift-s>  |:|IDE.FileSave();      |:|      |:|Save command - File|Save
  84. <F1>              |:|IDE.Help();                      |:|      |:|Help|Contents
  85. <F2>              |:|IDE.ScriptRun();                 |:|      |:|Run command - Script|Run command
  86. <F4>              |:|debugger.RunToCurrent();         |:|      |:|Disassembly pane - Run to Current
  87. <F5>              |:|IDE.ViewBreakpoint();            |:|      |:|Breakpoint command - View|Breakpoint
  88. <F7>              |:|IDE.DebugStatementStepInto();    |:|      |:|Statement step into command
  89. <F8>              |:|IDE.DebugStatementStepOver();    |:|      |:|Statement step over command
  90. <F9>              |:|IDE.ProjectMakeAll();            |:|      |:|Make all command - Project|Make all
  92. <Ctrl-PageDown>   |:|editor.EmacsShrinkWindow();      |:|      |:|Restore window
  93. <Ctrl-x><Ctrl-b>  |:|IDE.EditBufferList();            |:|      |:|Edit|Buffer list, display a list of open files
  94. <Ctrl-x><n>       |:|editor.NextView();               |:|      |:|
  95. <Ctrl-x><1>       |:|editor.EmacsOneWindow();         |:|      |:|Remove all panes except current pane
  96. <Ctrl-x><p>       |:|editor.PreviousView();           |:|      |:|
  98. <Shift-F4>        |:|IDE.WindowTileHorizontal();      |:|      |:|Tile horizontal command - Window|Tile horizontal
  99. <Shift-F5>        |:|IDE.WindowCascade();             |:|      |:|Cascade command - Window|Cascade
  100. <Shift-F7>        |:|debugger.InstructionStepInto();  |:|      |:|Instruction step into command
  101. <Shift-F8>        |:|debugger.InstructionStepOver();  |:|      |:|Instruction step over command
  102. <Shift-F9>        |:|IDE.DebugAnimate();              |:|      |:|Animate curent taret in debugger
  104. [Assignments:Editor]
  105. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  106. // Key            |:|Command                          |:|Flags |:|Comment
  107. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  108. <Alt-&>           |:|IDE.SearchReplace();             |:|      |:|Replace command - Search|Replace
  109. <Escape><&>       |:|IDE.SearchReplace();             |:|      |:|Replace command - Search|Replace
  110. <Alt-@>           |:|editor.EmacsSetMark();           |:|      |:|Marks the beginning of a block
  111. <Escape><@>       |:|editor.EmacsSetMark();           |:|      |:|Marks the beginning of a block
  112. <Alt-%>           |:|IDE.SearchReplace();             |:|      |:|Replace command - Search|Replace
  113. <Escape><%>       |:|IDE.SearchReplace();             |:|      |:|Replace command - Search|Replace
  114. <Alt-)>           |:|editor.MoveCursorToMate();       |:|      |:|Finds the matching delimiter
  115. <Escape><)>       |:|editor.MoveCursorToMate();       |:|      |:|Finds the matching delimiter
  116. <Alt-*>           |:|IDE.SearchReplace();             |:|      |:|Replace command - Search|Replace
  117. <Escape><*>       |:|IDE.SearchReplace();             |:|      |:|Replace command - Search|Replace
  118. <Alt-Keypad-*>    |:|IDE.SearchReplace();             |:|      |:|Replace command - Search|Replace
  119. <Escape><Keypad-*>|:|IDE.SearchReplace();             |:|      |:|Replace command - Search|Replace
  120. <Alt-,>           |:|editor.EmacsBeginningOfWindow(); |:|      |:|Move cursor to the beginning of the window
  121. <Escape><,>       |:|editor.EmacsBeginningOfWindow(); |:|      |:|Move cursor to the beginning of the window
  122. <Alt-Minus>       |:|editor.EmacsArgument();          |:|      |:|
  123. <Escape><Minus>   |:|editor.EmacsArgument();          |:|      |:|
  124. <Alt-.>           |:|editor.EmacsEndingOfWindow();    |:|      |:|Move cursor to the end of the window
  125. <Escape><.>       |:|editor.EmacsEndingOfWindow();    |:|      |:|Move cursor to the end of the window
  126. // Alt-0 through Alt-9 assigned during EmacsArgument.
  127. <Alt-0>           |:|editor.EmacsArgument(0);         |:|      |:|Repeat the next command x times.
  128. <Escape><0>       |:|editor.EmacsArgument(0);         |:|      |:|Repeat the next command x times.
  129. <Alt-1>           |:|editor.EmacsArgument(1);         |:|      |:|Repeat the next command x times.
  130. <Escape><1>       |:|editor.EmacsArgument(1);         |:|      |:|Repeat the next command x times.
  131. <Alt-2>           |:|editor.EmacsArgument(2);         |:|      |:|Repeat the next command x times.
  132. <Escape><2>       |:|editor.EmacsArgument(2);         |:|      |:|Repeat the next command x times.
  133. <Alt-3>           |:|editor.EmacsArgument(3);         |:|      |:|Repeat the next command x times.
  134. <Escape><3>       |:|editor.EmacsArgument(3);         |:|      |:|Repeat the next command x times.
  135. <Alt-4>           |:|editor.EmacsArgument(4);         |:|      |:|Repeat the next command x times.
  136. <Escape><4>       |:|editor.EmacsArgument(4);         |:|      |:|Repeat the next command x times.
  137. <Alt-5>           |:|editor.EmacsArgument(5);         |:|      |:|Repeat the next command x times.
  138. <Escape><5>       |:|editor.EmacsArgument(5);         |:|      |:|Repeat the next command x times.
  139. <Alt-6>           |:|editor.EmacsArgument(6);         |:|      |:|Repeat the next command x times.
  140. <Escape><6>       |:|editor.EmacsArgument(6);         |:|      |:|Repeat the next command x times.
  141. <Alt-7>           |:|editor.EmacsArgument(7);         |:|      |:|Repeat the next command x times.
  142. <Escape><7>       |:|editor.EmacsArgument(7);         |:|      |:|Repeat the next command x times.
  143. <Alt-8>           |:|editor.EmacsArgument(8);         |:|      |:|Repeat the next command x times.
  144. <Escape><8>       |:|editor.EmacsArgument(8);         |:|      |:|Repeat the next command x times.
  145. <Alt-9>           |:|editor.EmacsArgument(9);         |:|      |:|Repeat the next command x times.
  146. <Escape><9>       |:|editor.EmacsArgument(9);         |:|      |:|Repeat the next command x times.
  147. <Alt->>           |:|editor.ModalMoveEOF(); ess.nPreferredColumn = editor.TopView.Position.Column; |:|      |:|Move cursor to the end of the file
  148. <Escape><>>       |:|editor.ModalMoveEOF(); ess.nPreferredColumn = editor.TopView.Position.Column; |:|      |:|Move cursor to the end of the file
  149. <Alt-<>           |:|editor.ModalMoveBOF(); ess.nPreferredColumn = editor.TopView.Position.Column; |:|      |:|Move cursor to the beginning of the file
  150. <Escape><<>       |:|editor.ModalMoveBOF(); ess.nPreferredColumn = editor.TopView.Position.Column; |:|      |:|Move cursor to the beginning of the file
  151. <Alt-?>           |:|IDE.Help();                      |:|      |:|Help|Contents
  152. <Escape><?>       |:|IDE.Help();                      |:|      |:|Help|Contents
  153. <Alt-[>           |:|editor.EmacsBackwardParagraph(); |:|      |:|Move cursor up paragraph
  154. <Escape><[>       |:|editor.EmacsBackwardParagraph(); |:|      |:|Move cursor up paragraph
  155. <Alt-\>          |:|editor.EmacsDeleteHorizontalSpace(); |:|      |:|Collapses white space
  156. <Escape><\>      |:|editor.EmacsDeleteHorizontalSpace(); |:|      |:|Collapses white space
  157. <Alt-]>           |:|editor.EmacsForwardParagraph();  |:|      |:|Move cursor down paragraph
  158. <Escape><]>       |:|editor.EmacsForwardParagraph();  |:|      |:|Move cursor down paragraph
  159. <Alt-{>           |:|editor.Scroll(-1);               |:|      |:|Scroll window up one line
  160. <Escape><{>       |:|editor.Scroll(-1);               |:|      |:|Scroll window up one line
  161. <Alt-}>           |:|editor.Scroll(1);                |:|      |:|Scroll window down one line
  162. <Escape><}>       |:|editor.Scroll(1);                |:|      |:|Scroll window down one line
  163. <Alt-b>           |:|editor.EmacsBackwardWord();      |:|      |:|Moves one word left
  164. <Escape><b>       |:|editor.EmacsBackwardWord();      |:|      |:|Moves one word left
  165. <Alt-Shift-b>     |:|editor.EmacsBackwardWord();      |:|      |:|Moves one word left
  166. <Escape><Shift-b> |:|editor.EmacsBackwardWord();      |:|      |:|Moves one word left
  167. <Alt-Backspace>   |:|editor.EmacsBackwardKillWord();  |:|      |:|Deletes the word to the left of the cursor
  168. <Escape><Backspace>|:|editor.EmacsBackwardKillWord(); |:|      |:|Deletes the word to the left of the cursor
  169. <Alt-c>           |:|editor.EmacsCapitalizeWord();    |:|      |:|Namecase from cursor to end of word
  170. <Escape><c>       |:|editor.EmacsCapitalizeWord();    |:|      |:|Namecase from cursor to end of word
  171. <Alt-Shift-C>     |:|editor.EmacsCapitalizeWord();    |:|      |:|Namecase from cursor to end of word
  172. <Escape><Shift-C> |:|editor.EmacsCapitalizeWord();    |:|      |:|Namecase from cursor to end of word
  173. <Alt-d>           |:|editor.EmacsDeleteWord();        |:|      |:|Deletes the word to the right
  174. <Escape><d>       |:|editor.EmacsDeleteWord();        |:|      |:|Deletes the word to the right
  175. <Alt-Shift-D>     |:|editor.EmacsDeleteWord();        |:|      |:|Deletes the word to the right
  176. <Escape><Shift-D> |:|editor.EmacsDeleteWord();        |:|      |:|Deletes the word to the right
  177. <Alt-Delete>      |:|editor.EmacsBackwardKillLevel(); |:|      |:|Delete previous level
  178. <Escape><Delete>  |:|editor.EmacsBackwardKillLevel(); |:|      |:|Delete previous level
  179. <Alt-f>           |:|editor.EmacsForwardWord();       |:|      |:|Moves one word right
  180. <Escape><f>       |:|editor.EmacsForwardWord();       |:|      |:|Moves one word right
  181. <Alt-Shift-F>     |:|editor.EmacsForwardWord();       |:|      |:|Moves one word right
  182. <Escape><Shift-F> |:|editor.EmacsForwardWord();       |:|      |:|Moves one word right
  183. <Alt-F3>          |:|IDE.ProjectCompile();            |:|      |:|Compile command - Project|Compile
  184. <Escape><F3>      |:|IDE.ProjectCompile();            |:|      |:|Compile command - Project|Compile
  185. <Alt-F5>          |:|IDE.DebugInspect();              |:|      |:|Inspect command - Debug|Inspect
  186. <Escape><F5>      |:|IDE.DebugInspect();              |:|      |:|Inspect command - Debug|Inspect
  187. <Alt-l>           |:|editor.EmacsLowerWord();         |:|      |:|Converts all alphabetic characters in a word to lowercase
  188. <Escape><l>       |:|editor.EmacsLowerWord();         |:|      |:|Converts all alphabetic characters in a word to lowercase
  189. <Alt-Shift-L>     |:|editor.EmacsLowerWord();         |:|      |:|Converts all alphabetic characters in a word to lowercase
  190. <Escape><Shift-L> |:|editor.EmacsLowerWord();         |:|      |:|Converts all alphabetic characters in a word to lowercase
  191. <Alt-m>           |:|editor.EmacsToIndentation();     |:|      |:|Moves the cursor to the first non whitespace of the current line.
  192. <Escape><m>       |:|editor.EmacsToIndentation();     |:|      |:|Moves the cursor to the first non whitespace of the current line.
  193. <Alt-Shift-m>     |:|editor.EmacsToIndentation();     |:|      |:|Moves the cursor to the first non whitespace of the current line.
  194. <Escape><Shift-m> |:|editor.EmacsToIndentation();     |:|      |:|Moves the cursor to the first non whitespace of the current line.
  195. <Alt-s>           |:|editor.MoveLineViewCenter();     |:|      |:|Move current line to the middle of the window
  196. <Escape><s>       |:|editor.MoveLineViewCenter();     |:|      |:|Move current line to the middle of the window
  197. <Alt-Shift-S>     |:|editor.MoveLineViewCenter();     |:|      |:|Move current line to the middle of the window
  198. <Escape><Shift-S> |:|editor.MoveLineViewCenter();     |:|      |:|Move current line to the middle of the window
  199. <Escape><Space>   |:|editor.EmacsSetMark();           |:|      |:|Marks the beginning of a block
  200. <Alt-t>           |:|editor.EmacsTransposeWords();    |:|      |:|Transpose current word with next word
  201. <Escape><t>       |:|editor.EmacsTransposeWords();    |:|      |:|Transpose current word with next word
  202. <Alt-Shift-T>     |:|editor.EmacsTransposeWords();    |:|      |:|Transpose current word with next word
  203. <Escape><Shift-T> |:|editor.EmacsTransposeWords();    |:|      |:|Transpose current word with next word
  204. <Escape><Tab>     |:|editor.EmacsIndentUnder();       |:|      |:|Smart tab
  205. <Alt-u>           |:|editor.EmacsUpperWord();         |:|      |:|Converts all alphabetic characters in a word to uppercase
  206. <Escape><u>       |:|editor.EmacsUpperWord();         |:|      |:|Converts all alphabetic characters in a word to uppercase
  207. <Alt-Shift-U>     |:|editor.EmacsUpperWord();         |:|      |:|Converts all alphabetic characters in a word to uppercase
  208. <Escape><Shift-U> |:|editor.EmacsUpperWord();         |:|      |:|Converts all alphabetic characters in a word to uppercase
  209. <Alt-v>           |:|editor.EmacsPageUp();            |:|      |:|Move cursor up one screen
  210. <Escape><v>       |:|editor.EmacsPageUp();            |:|      |:|Move cursor up one screen
  211. <Alt-Shift-V>     |:|editor.EmacsPageUp();            |:|      |:|Move cursor up one screen
  212. <Escape><Shift-V> |:|editor.EmacsPageUp();            |:|      |:|Move cursor up one screen
  213. <Alt-w>           |:|editor.EmacsCopyRegion();        |:|      |:|Copy from cursor to mark
  214. <Escape><w>       |:|editor.EmacsCopyRegion();        |:|      |:|Copy from cursor to mark
  215. <Alt-Shift-W>     |:|editor.EmacsCopyRegion();        |:|      |:|Copy from cursor to mark
  216. <Escape><Shift-W> |:|editor.EmacsCopyRegion();        |:|      |:|Copy from cursor to mark
  217. <Alt-z>           |:|editor.Scroll(-1);               |:|      |:|Scroll window up one line
  218. <Escape><z>       |:|editor.Scroll(-1);               |:|      |:|Scroll window up one line
  219. <Alt-Shift-Z>     |:|editor.Scroll(-1);               |:|      |:|Scroll window up one line
  220. <Escape><Shift-Z> |:|editor.Scroll(-1);               |:|      |:|Scroll window up one line
  221. <Escape><Left>    |:|editor.ModalMoveBOL(); ess.nPreferredColumn = editor.TopView.Position.Column; |:|      |:|Move cursor to the beginning of the line
  222. <Escape><Right>   |:|editor.ModalMoveEOL(); ess.nPreferredColumn = editor.TopView.Position.Column; |:|      |:|Move cursor to the end of the line
  223. <Alt-y>           |:|editor.EmacsYankPop();           |:|      |:|Cycle through kill buffers
  224. <Escape><y>       |:|editor.EmacsYankPop();           |:|      |:|Cycle through kill buffers
  225. <Alt-Shift-Y>     |:|editor.EmacsYankPop();           |:|      |:|Cycle through kill buffers
  226. <Escape><Shift-Y> |:|editor.EmacsYankPop();           |:|      |:|Cycle through kill buffers
  228. <Backspace>       |:|editor.EmacsBackwardCharacter(TRUE); |:|      |:|Deletes the character to the left of the cursor
  230. <Ctrl-_>          |:|IDE.Help();                      |:|      |:|Help|Contents
  231. <Ctrl-^>          |:|editor.EmacsCtrlPrefix();        |:|      |:|Prepend CTRL modifier to next keystroke
  232. <Ctrl-[>          |:|IDE.KeyboardManager.SendKeys(\"{VK_ESCAPE}\"); |:|      |:|Prepend ALT modifier to next keystroke
  233. <Ctrl-?>          |:|editor.EmacsBackwardCharacter(TRUE);           |:|      |:|Deletes the character to the left of the cursor
  234. <Ctrl-@>          |:|editor.EmacsSetMark();           |:|      |:|Marks the beginning of a block
  235. <Ctrl-2>          |:|editor.EmacsSetMark();           |:|      |:|Marks the beginning of a block
  236. <Ctrl-a>          |:|editor.ModalMoveBOL(); ess.nPreferredColumn = editor.TopView.Position.Column; |:|      |:|
  237. <Ctrl-Shift-a>    |:|editor.ModalMoveBOL(); ess.nPreferredColumn = editor.TopView.Position.Column; |:|      |:|
  238. <Ctrl-Alt-^>      |:|editor.EmacsCtrlPrefix();        |:|      |:|Prepend CTRL modifier to next keystroke
  239. <Escape><Ctrl-^>  |:|editor.EmacsCtrlPrefix();        |:|      |:|Prepend CTRL modifier to next keystroke
  240. <Ctrl-Alt-\>     |:|editor.EmacsIndentRegion();      |:|      |:|Indents a block by the amount specified by the Block Indent option
  241. <Escape><Ctrl-\> |:|editor.EmacsIndentRegion();      |:|      |:|Indents a block by the amount specified by the Block Indent option
  242. <Ctrl-Alt-b>      |:|editor.EmacsBackwardLevel();     |:|      |:|Move cursor to previous level
  243. <Escape><Ctrl-b>  |:|editor.EmacsBackwardLevel();     |:|      |:|Move cursor to previous level
  244. <Ctrl-Alt-Shift-b>|:|editor.EmacsBackwardLevel();     |:|      |:|Move cursor to previous level
  245. <Escape><Ctrl-Shift-b>|:|editor.EmacsBackwardLevel(); |:|      |:|Move cursor to previous level
  246. <Ctrl-Alt-f>      |:|editor.EmacsForwardLevel();      |:|      |:|Move cursor to next level
  247. <Escape><Ctrl-f>  |:|editor.EmacsForwardLevel();      |:|      |:|Move cursor to next level
  248. <Ctrl-Alt-Shift-f>|:|editor.EmacsForwardLevel();      |:|      |:|Move cursor to next level
  249. <Escape><Ctrl-Shift-f>|:|editor.EmacsForwardLevel();  |:|      |:|Move cursor to next level
  250. <Ctrl-Alt-h>      |:|editor.EmacsBackwardKillWord();  |:|      |:|Deletes the word to the left of the cursor
  251. <Escape><Ctrl-h>  |:|editor.EmacsBackwardKillWord();  |:|      |:|Deletes the word to the left of the cursor
  252. <Ctrl-Alt-shift-h>|:|editor.EmacsBackwardKillWord();  |:|      |:|Deletes the word to the left of the cursor
  253. <Escape><Ctrl-shift-h>|:|editor.EmacsBackwardKillWord(); |:|      |:|Deletes the word to the left of the cursor
  254. <Ctrl-Alt-i>      |:|editor.EmacsIndentUnder();       |:|      |:|Indents from cursor to previous line(s) next non-white space character
  255. <Escape><Ctrl-i>  |:|editor.EmacsIndentUnder();       |:|      |:|Indents from cursor to previous line(s) next non-white space character
  256. <Ctrl-Alt-Shift-i>|:|editor.EmacsIndentUnder();       |:|      |:|Indents from cursor to previous line(s) next non-white space character
  257. <Escape><Ctrl-Shift-i>|:|editor.EmacsIndentUnder();   |:|      |:|Indents from cursor to previous line(s) next non-white space character
  258. <Ctrl-Alt-k>      |:|editor.EmacsKillLevel();         |:|      |:|Delete level
  259. <Escape><Ctrl-k>  |:|editor.EmacsKillLevel();         |:|      |:|Delete level
  260. <Ctrl-Alt-Shift-k>|:|editor.EmacsKillLevel();         |:|      |:|Delete level
  261. <Escape><Ctrl-Shift-k>|:|editor.EmacsKillLevel();     |:|      |:|Delete level
  262. <Ctrl-Alt-r>      |:|IDE.SearchFind();                |:|      |:|Find command - Search|Find
  263. <Escape><Ctrl-r>  |:|IDE.SearchFind();                |:|      |:|Find command - Search|Find
  264. <Ctrl-Alt-Shift-r>|:|IDE.SearchFind();                |:|      |:|Find command - Search|Find
  265. <Escape><Ctrl-Shift-r>|:|IDE.SearchFind();            |:|      |:|Find command - Search|Find
  266. <Ctrl-Alt-s>      |:|IDE.SearchFind();                |:|      |:|Find command - Search|Find
  267. <Escape><Ctrl-s>  |:|IDE.SearchFind();                |:|      |:|Find command - Search|Find
  268. <Ctrl-Alt-Shift-s>|:|IDE.SearchFind();                |:|      |:|Find command - Search|Find
  269. <Escape><Ctrl-Shift-s>|:|IDE.SearchFind();            |:|      |:|Find command - Search|Find
  270. <Ctrl-Alt-w>      |:|editor.EmacsAppendNextKill();    |:|      |:|Appends the next cut/copy to the current kill buffer
  271. <Escape><Ctrl-w>  |:|editor.EmacsAppendNextKill();    |:|      |:|Appends the next cut/copy to the current kill buffer
  272. <Ctrl-Alt-Shift-w>|:|editor.EmacsAppendNextKill();    |:|      |:|Appends the next cut/copy to the current kill buffer
  273. <Escape><Ctrl-Shift-w>|:|editor.EmacsAppendNextKill();|:|      |:|Appends the next cut/copy to the current kill buffer
  274. <Ctrl-b>          |:|editor.EmacsBackwardCharacter(); |:|      |:|Move cursor one character to the left
  275. <Ctrl-Shift-b>    |:|editor.EmacsBackwardCharacter(); |:|      |:|Move cursor one character to the left
  276. <Ctrl-d>          |:|editor.DeleteChar(1);            |:|      |:|Deletes the character to the right of the cursor
  277. <Ctrl-Shift-d>    |:|editor.DeleteChar(1);            |:|      |:|Deletes the character to the right of the cursor
  278. <Ctrl-e>          |:|editor.ModalMoveEOL(); ess.nPreferredColumn = editor.TopView.Position.Column; |:|      |:|Move cursor to the end of the line
  279. <Ctrl-Shift-e>    |:|editor.ModalMoveEOL(); ess.nPreferredColumn = editor.TopView.Position.Column; |:|      |:|Move cursor to the end of the line
  280. <Ctrl-End>        |:|editor.ModalMoveEOF(); ess.nPreferredColumn = editor.TopView.Position.Column; |:|      |:|Move cursor to the end of the line
  281. <Ctrl-f>          |:|editor.EmacsForwardCharacter();  |:|      |:|Move cursor one character to the right
  282. <Ctrl-Shift-f>    |:|editor.EmacsForwardCharacter();  |:|      |:|Move cursor one character to the right
  283. <Ctrl-F4>         |:|IDE.PlaybackKeystrokeRecording();|:|      |:|Playback a key macro
  284. <Ctrl-F5>         |:|IDE.DebugAddWatch();             |:|      |:|Add watch command - Debug|Add watch
  285. <Ctrl-F9>         |:|IDE.EditUndo();                  |:|      |:|Undo command - Edit|Undo
  286. <Ctrl-F10>        |:|IDE.EditRedo();                  |:|      |:|Redo command - Edit|Redo
  287. <Shift-Ctrl-F10>  |:|IDE.EditRedo();                  |:|      |:|Redo command - Edit|Redo
  288. <Ctrl-h>          |:|editor.EmacsBackwardCharacter(TRUE); |:|      |:|Deletes the character to the left of the cursor
  289. <Ctrl-Shift-h>    |:|editor.EmacsBackwardCharacter(TRUE); |:|      |:|Deletes the character to the left of the cursor
  290. <Ctrl-i>          |:|editor.EmacsIndentPrevious();    |:|      |:|Indents from cursor by the amount specified by the tab stop
  291. <Ctrl-Shift-i>    |:|editor.EmacsIndentPrevious();    |:|      |:|Indents from cursor by the amount specified by the tab stop
  292. <Ctrl-Home>       |:|editor.ModalMoveBOF(); ess.nPreferredColumn = editor.TopView.Position.Column; |:|      |:|Move cursor to the beginning of the file
  293. <Ctrl-k>          |:|editor.EmacsKillLine();          |:|      |:|Delete from cursor to the end of the line
  294. <Ctrl-Shift-k>    |:|editor.EmacsKillLine();          |:|      |:|Delete from cursor to the end of the line
  295. <Ctrl-l>          |:|editor.MoveLineViewCenter();     |:|      |:|Move current line to the middle of the window
  296. <Ctrl-Shift-l>    |:|editor.MoveLineViewCenter();     |:|      |:|Move current line to the middle of the window
  297. <Ctrl-Left>       |:|editor.EmacsBackwardWord();      |:|      |:|Deletes the word to the left of the cursor
  298. <Ctrl-n>          |:|editor.EmacsLineDown();          |:|      |:|Move cursor down one line in the window
  299. <Ctrl-Shift-n>    |:|editor.EmacsLineDown();          |:|      |:|Move cursor down one line in the window
  300. <Ctrl-m>          |:|editor.TopView.Position.InsertCharacter(13); |:|      |:|Inserts a carriage return, move cursor to new line
  301. <Ctrl-Shift-m>    |:|editor.TopView.Position.InsertCharacter(13); |:|      |:|Inserts a carriage return, move cursor to new line
  302. <Ctrl-o>          |:|editor.OpenLine();               |:|      |:|Inserts a carriage return
  303. <Ctrl-Shift-o>    |:|editor.OpenLine();               |:|      |:|Inserts a carriage return
  304. <Ctrl-p>          |:|editor.EmacsLineUp();            |:|      |:|Move cursor up one line in the window
  305. <Ctrl-Shift-p>    |:|editor.EmacsLineUp();            |:|      |:|Move cursor up one line in the window
  306. <Ctrl-r>          |:|editor.EmacsIncrementalSearch(SEARCH_BACKWARD,true); |:|      |:|Backward incremental search
  307. <Ctrl-Shift-r>    |:|editor.EmacsIncrementalSearch(SEARCH_BACKWARD,true); |:|      |:|Backward incremental search
  308. <Ctrl-Right>      |:|editor.EmacsForwardWord();       |:|      |:|Moves one word right
  309. <Ctrl-s>          |:|editor.EmacsIncrementalSearch(SEARCH_FORWARD,true); |:|      |:|Incremental search
  310. <Ctrl-Shift-s>    |:|editor.EmacsIncrementalSearch(SEARCH_FORWARD,true); |:|      |:|Incremental search
  311. <Ctrl-Shift-Minus>|:|IDE.Help();                      |:|      |:|Help|Contents
  312. <Ctrl-Shift-2>    |:|editor.EmacsSetMark();           |:|      |:|Marks the beginning of a block
  313. <Ctrl-2>          |:|editor.EmacsSetMark();           |:|      |:|Marks the beginning of a block
  314. <Ctrl-t>          |:|editor.EmacsTransposeCharacters(); |:|      |:|Transpose current character with next character 
  315. <Ctrl-Shift-t>    |:|editor.EmacsTransposeCharacters(); |:|      |:|Transpose current character with next character 
  316. <Ctrl-u>          |:|editor.EmacsArgument();          |:|      |:|
  317. <Ctrl-Shift-u>    |:|editor.EmacsArgument();          |:|      |:|
  318. <Ctrl-v>          |:|editor.EmacsPageDown();          |:|      |:|Move cursor down one screen
  319. <Ctrl-Shift-v>    |:|editor.EmacsPageDown();          |:|      |:|Move cursor down one screen
  320. <Ctrl-w>          |:|editor.EmacsKillRegion();        |:|      |:|Cut command - Edit|Cut
  321. <Ctrl-Shift-w>    |:|editor.EmacsKillRegion();        |:|      |:|Cut command - Edit|Cut
  322. <Ctrl-x><b>       |:|editor.EmacsSelectBuffer();      |:|      |:|Select buffer
  323. <Ctrl-x><Ctrl-f>  |:|editor.NewView();                |:|      |:|
  324. <Ctrl-x><Ctrl-i>  |:|editor.EmacsIndentRegion();      |:|      |:|Indents a block by the amount specified by the Block Indent option
  325. <Ctrl-x><Ctrl-n>  |:|IDE.SearchNextMessage();         |:|      |:|Next message command - Search|Next message
  326. <Ctrl-x><Ctrl-o>  |:|editor.EmacsDeleteBlankLines();  |:|      |:|Delete blank lines
  327. <Ctrl-x><Ctrl-p>  |:|editor.PreviousWindow();         |:|      |:|
  328. <Ctrl-x><Ctrl-r>  |:|IDE.EditRedo();                  |:|      |:|Redo command - Edit|Redo
  329. <Shift-Ctrl-x><Shift-Ctrl-r> |:|IDE.EditRedo();       |:|      |:|Redo command - Edit|Redo
  330. <Ctrl-x><Ctrl-t>  |:|editor.EmacsTransposeLines();    |:|      |:|Transpose current line with next line
  331. <Ctrl-x><Ctrl-u>  |:|editor.Undo();                   |:|      |:|Undo command - Edit|Undo
  332. <Ctrl-x><Ctrl-v>  |:|editor.ReadFileIntoBuffer();     |:|      |:|Reads a file into current buffer
  333. <Ctrl-x><Ctrl-x>  |:|editor.EmacsExchangePointAndMark(); |:|      |:|
  334. <Ctrl-x><Ctrl-[>  |:|IDE.KeyboardManager.SendKeys(\"{VK_ESCAPE}\"); |:|      |:|Prepend ALT modifier to next keystroke
  335. <Ctrl-x><Ctrl-^>  |:|editor.EmacsCtrlPrefix();        |:|      |:|Prepend CTRL modifier to next keystroke
  336. <Ctrl-x><Ctrl-Alt-^>|:|editor.EmacsCtrlPrefix();      |:|      |:|Prepend CTRL modifier to next keystroke
  337. <Ctrl-x><e>       |:|IDE.PlaybackKeystrokeRecording();|:|      |:|Playback a key macro
  338. <Ctrl-x><g>       |:|editor.ModalMoveToLine();        |:|      |:|Go to Line command - Go to line (Edit window SpeedMenu)
  339. <Ctrl-x><i>       |:|editor.ReadFileIntoBuffer();     |:|      |:|Reads a file into current buffer
  340. <Ctrl-x><k>       |:|editor.DeleteBuffer();           |:|      |:|Remove the selected buffer from memory
  341. <Ctrl-x><l>       |:|editor.EmacsCountLines();        |:|      |:|Display line count and cursor position in status line
  342. <Ctrl-x><m>       |:|IDE.ProjectMakeAll();            |:|      |:|Make all command - Project|Make all
  343. <Ctrl-x><n>       |:|editor.NextView();               |:|      |:|
  344. <Ctrl-x><o>       |:|editor.NextView();               |:|      |:|
  345. <Ctrl-x><p>       |:|editor.PreviousView();           |:|      |:|
  346. <Ctrl-x><r>       |:|IDE.EditRedo();                  |:|      |:|Redo command - Edit|Redo
  347. <Ctrl-x><Shift-r> |:|IDE.EditRedo();                  |:|      |:|Redo command - Edit|Redo
  348. <Shift-Ctrl-x><r> |:|IDE.EditRedo();                  |:|      |:|Redo command - Edit|Redo
  349. <Shift-Ctrl-x><Shift-r> |:|IDE.EditRedo();            |:|      |:|Redo command - Edit|Redo
  350. <Ctrl-x><Tab>     |:|editor.EmacsIndentRegion();      |:|      |:|Indents a block by the amount specified by the Block Indent option
  351. <Ctrl-x><u>       |:|editor.Undo();                   |:|      |:|Undo command - Edit|Undo
  352. <Ctrl-x><w>       |:|editor.EmacsWriteRegion();       |:|      |:|Writes a selected block to file
  353. <Ctrl-y>          |:|editor.EmacsYank();              |:|      |:|Inserts the previous kill into current buffer
  354. <Ctrl-Shift-y>    |:|editor.EmacsYank();              |:|      |:|Inserts the previous kill into current buffer
  355. <Ctrl-z>          |:|editor.Scroll(1);                |:|      |:|Scroll window down one line
  356. <Ctrl-Shift-z>    |:|editor.Scroll(1);                |:|      |:|Scroll window down one line
  358. <Down>            |:|editor.EmacsLineDown();          |:|      |:|Move cursor down one line in the window
  359. <Delete>          |:|editor.DeleteChar(1);            |:|      |:|Deletes the character to the right of the cursor
  361. <End>             |:|editor.EmacsEndingOfWindow();    |:|      |:|Move cursor to the end of the window
  362. <Enter>           |:|editor.TopView.Position.InsertCharacter('\r'); |:|      |:|Inserts a carriage return
  364. <F3>              |:|IDE.ScriptModules();             |:|      |:|Modules command
  365. <F4>              |:|assign_to_key();                 |:|      |:|
  366. <F5>              |:|debugger.ToggleBreakpoint();     |:|      |:|Toggle Breakpoint command - Toggle breakpoint (Edit window SpeedMenu)
  367. <F9>              |:|editor.Undo();                   |:|      |:|Undo command - Edit|Undo
  368. <F10>             |:|IDE.EditRedo();                  |:|      |:|Redo command - Edit|Redo
  370. <Home>            |:|editor.EmacsBeginningOfWindow(); |:|      |:|Move cursor to the beginning of the window
  371. <Insert>          |:|editor.ToggleInsertMode();       |:|      |:|Toggle insert mode on/off
  373. <Keypad-5>        |:|editor.MoveLineViewCenter();     |:|      |:|Move current line to the middle of the window
  375. <Keypad-*>        |:|IDE.SearchReplace();             |:|      |:|Replace command - Search|Replace
  376. <Keypad-Minus>    |:|editor.EmacsArgument();          |:|      |:|
  377. <Keypad-Plus>     |:|editor.TopView.Position.InsertCharacter('+'); |:|      |:|Insert '+' character
  379. <Left>            |:|editor.EmacsBackwardCharacter(); |:|      |:|Move cursor one character to the left
  380. <Right>           |:|editor.EmacsForwardCharacter();  |:|      |:|Move cursor one character to the right
  381. <PageUp>          |:|editor.EmacsPageUp();            |:|      |:|Move cursor up one screen
  382. <PageDown>        |:|editor.EmacsPageDown();          |:|      |:|Move cursor down one screen
  383. <Space>           |:|editor.TopView.Position.InsertCharacter(' '); |:|      |:|Inserts a ' ' (space) character
  384. <Shift-Backspace> |:|editor.EmacsBackwardCharacter(TRUE);      |:|      |:|Deletes the character to the left of the cursor
  385. <Shift-Enter>     |:|editor.TopView.Position.InsertCharacter('\r'); |:|      |:|Inserts a carriage return
  386. <Shift-Tab>       |:|editor.EmacsBackToTabStop();     |:|      |:|Moves the cursor to the previous tab stop
  387. <Tab>             |:|editor.EmacsIndentPrevious();    |:|      |:|Indents from cursor by the amount specified by the tab stop
  388. <Up>              |:|editor.EmacsLineUp();            |:|      |:|Move cursor up one line in the window
  390. [Assignments:CPU]
  391. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  392. // Key            |:|Command                          |:|Flags |:|Comment
  393. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  394. <Alt-?>           |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  395. <Escape><?>       |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  396. <Ctrl-_>          |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  397. <Ctrl-Shift-Minus>|:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  398. <Ctrl-a>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Disassembly pane - Go to Address; Dump pane, Stack pane - Display As
  399. <Ctrl-b>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Disassembly pane - Toggle Breakpoint; Dump pane, Stack pane - Display As byte
  400. <Ctrl-c>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Registers pane - Change Register
  401. <Ctrl-d>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Registers pane - Decrement Register; Dump pane, Stack pane - Display As doubl
  402. <Ctrl-i>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Registers pane - Increment Register
  403. <Ctrl-f>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Flags pane - Toggle Flag; Stack pane - Go to Top Frame; Dump pane, Stack pane
  404. <Ctrl-g>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Dump pane, Stack pane - Go to Address
  405. <Ctrl-l>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Dump pane, Stack pane - Display As longs
  406. <Ctrl-Left>       |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Shift the starting point of the display up one byte
  407. <Ctrl-n>          |:|debugger.SetEIPToSelected();     |:|      |:|Disassembly pane - Sets the highlighted address as the eip
  408. <Ctrl-w>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Dump pane, Stack pane - Display As words
  409. <Ctrl-o>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Registers pane - Show Old Registers, toggles between old and current register
  410. <Ctrl-p>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Disassembly pane - Go to Current PC
  411. <Ctrl-r>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Disassembly pane - Run to Current
  412. <Ctrl-Right>      |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Shift the starting point of the display down one byte
  413. <Ctrl-s>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Disassembly pane - Go to Source; Stack pane - Go to Top of Stack; Registers p
  414. <Ctrl-t>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|All panes - Change Thread
  415. <Ctrl-z>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Registers pane - Zero Register
  416. <End>             |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor to the end of the window
  417. <F1>              |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  418. <F2>              |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Disassembly pane - Toggle Breakpoint
  419. <F5>              |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Disassembly pane - Toggle Breakpoint
  420. <F7>              |:|debugger.InstructionStepInto();  |:|      |:|InstructionStepInto - Executes the next instruction, stepping into any functi
  421. <F8>              |:|debugger.InstructionStepOver();  |:|      |:|InstructionStepOver - Executes the next instruction, running any functions ca
  422. <Home>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor to the beginning of the window
  423. <Left>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor to the left
  424. <Minus>           |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Registers pane - Decrement Register
  425. <Down>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor down one line
  426. <PageUp>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor up one screen
  427. <PageDown>        |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor down one screen
  428. <Plus>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Registers pane - Increment Register
  429. <Right>           |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor to the left
  430. <Up>              |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor up one line
  432. [Assignments:Message]
  433. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  434. // Key            |:|Command                          |:|Flags |:|Comment
  435. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  436. <Alt-?>           |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  437. <Escape><?>       |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  438. <Ctrl-_>          |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  439. <Ctrl-Shift-Minus>|:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  440. <Ctrl-a>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|SpeedMenus - Message Window - Delete All
  441. <Ctrl-p>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|SpeedMenus - Message Window - Precious Toggle
  442. <Ctrl-v>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|SpeedMenus - Message Window - Save as Text
  443. <Delete>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|SpeedMenus - Message Window - Delete
  444. <Down>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor down one line
  445. <Enter>           |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|SpeedMenus - Message Window - Edit
  446. <End>             |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor to the end of the window
  447. <F1>              |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  448. <Home>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor to the beginning of the window
  449. <Space>           |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|SpeedMenus - Message Window - View
  450. <Plus>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Expand the current entry
  451. <Minus>           |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Collapse the current entry
  452. <Up>              |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor up one line
  453. <Keypad-Plus>     |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Expand the current entry
  454. <Keypad-Minus>    |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Collapse the current entry
  455. <Keypad-*>        |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Expand all entries
  456. <Keypad-/>        |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Collapse all entries
  458. [Assignments:Watches]
  459. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  460. // Key            |:|Command                          |:|Flags |:|Comment
  461. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  462. <Alt-?>           |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  463. <Escape><?>       |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  464. <Ctrl-_>          |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  465. <Ctrl-Shift-Minus>|:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  466. <Ctrl-a>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Watches window - Add Watch
  467. <Ctrl-e>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Watches window - Edit Watch
  468. <Ctrl-r>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Watches window - Remove Watch(es)
  469. <Delete>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Watches window - Disable Watch(es)
  470. <Enter>           |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Watches window - Edit Watch
  471. <F1>              |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  472. <Insert>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Watches window - Add Watch
  473. <Space>           |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Watch window - Disable/Enable Watch(es)
  474. <PageUp>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor to the beginning of the window
  475. <PageDown>        |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor to the end of the window
  476. <Up>              |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor up
  477. <Down>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor down
  478. <Left>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor left
  479. <Right>           |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor right
  480. <Home>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor home
  481. <End>             |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor end
  483. [Assignments:Breakpoints]
  484. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  485. // Key            |:|Command                          |:|Flags |:|Comment
  486. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  487. <Ctrl-a>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Add Breakpoint
  488. <Ctrl-d>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Selects the Address tab
  489. <Ctrl-e>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Edit Breakpoint
  490. <Ctrl-g>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Selects the CodeGuard tab
  491. <Ctrl-i>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|View Source
  492. <Ctrl-m>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Selects the Module tab
  493. <Ctrl-o>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Edit Source
  494. <Ctrl-r>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Remove Breakpoint
  495. <Ctrl-s>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Selects the Source tab
  496. <Ctrl-t>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Selects the Thread tab
  497. <Ctrl-w>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Selects the Data Watch tab
  498. <Ctrl-x>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Selects the OS Exception tab
  499. <Alt-?>           |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  500. <Escape><?>       |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  501. <Ctrl-_>          |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  502. <Ctrl-Shift-Minus>|:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  503. <Enter>           |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Edit Breakpoint
  504. <F1>              |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  505. <Space>           |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Enable/Disable Breakpoint
  506. <Delete>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Remove Breakpoint
  507. <Insert>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Add Breakpoint
  508. <PageUp>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor to the beginning of the window
  509. <PageDown>        |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor to the end of the window
  510. <Up>              |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor up
  511. <Down>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor down
  512. <Left>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor left
  513. <Right>           |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor right
  514. <Home>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor home
  515. <End>             |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor end
  517. [Assignments:Processes]
  518. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  519. // Key            |:|Command                          |:|Flags |:|Comment
  520. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  521. <F1>              |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Opens the Call Stack window
  522. <Enter>           |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Help
  523. <Alt-?>           |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  524. <Escape><?>       |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  525. <Ctrl-_>          |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  526. <Ctrl-Shift-Minus>|:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  528. [Assignments:Call Stack]
  529. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  530. // Key            |:|Command                          |:|Flags |:|Comment
  531. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  532. <Alt-?>           |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  533. <Escape><?>       |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  534. <Ctrl-_>          |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  535. <Ctrl-Shift-Minus>|:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  536. <Ctrl-e>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Edit source at current location
  537. <Ctrl-i>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|View source at current location
  538. <Enter>           |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Edit source at current location
  539. <F1>              |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  540. <PageUp>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor to the beginning of the window
  541. <PageDown>        |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor to the end of the window
  542. <Up>              |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor up
  543. <Down>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor down
  544. <Left>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor left
  545. <Right>           |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor right
  546. <Home>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor home
  547. <End>             |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor end
  549. [Assignments:Inspector]
  550. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  551. // Key            |:|Command                          |:|Flags |:|Comment
  552. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  553. <Alt-?>           |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  554. <Escape><?>       |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  555. <Ctrl-_>          |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  556. <Ctrl-Shift-Minus>|:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  557. <Ctrl-i>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Opens a new Inspector window on the data element you have
  558. <Ctrl-r>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Lets you specify how many data elements you want to view
  559. <Ctrl-n>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Lets you inspect a new expression
  560. <Ctrl-c>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Lets you assign a new value to a data item
  561. <Enter>           |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Opens a new Inspector window on the data element you have
  562. <Tab>             |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Switches panes
  563. <Escape>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Closes the Inspector window
  564. <F1>              |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  566. [Assignments:Evaluator]
  567. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  568. // Key            |:|Command                          |:|Flags |:|Comment
  569. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  570. <Alt-?>           |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  571. <Escape><?>       |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  572. <Ctrl-_>          |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  573. <Ctrl-Shift-Minus>|:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  574. <Ctrl-e>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Evaluate the expression
  575. <Ctrl-m>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Set the expression to the new value
  576. <Ctrl-c>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Close this view
  577. <F1>              |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  578. <Ctrl-v>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Evaluate the expression
  579. <Ctrl-l>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Close this view
  580. <Ctrl-x>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  582. [Assignments:Project]
  583. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  584. // Key            |:|Command                          |:|Flags |:|Comment
  585. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  586. <Alt-?>           |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  587. <Escape><?>       |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  588. <Ctrl-_>          |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  589. <Ctrl-Shift-Minus>|:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  590. <Alt-Right>       |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Demote a node
  591. <Alt-Left>        |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Promote a node
  592. <Alt-Up>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move node up
  593. <Alt-Down>        |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move node down
  594. <Delete>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Delete a node
  595. <Insert>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Add a node
  596. <Down>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor down a node
  597. <Enter>           |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Default action for node
  598. <End>             |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor to bottom of the tree
  599. <F1>              |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  600. <Home>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor to beginning of the tree
  601. <Space>           |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Collapse/Expand a node
  602. <Plus>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Expand a node
  603. <Minus>           |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Collapse a node
  604. <Up>              |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor up a node
  606. [Assignments:ClassExpert]
  607. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  608. // Key            |:|Command                          |:|Flags |:|Comment
  609. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  610. <Alt-?>           |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  611. <Escape><?>       |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  612. <Ctrl-_>          |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  613. <Ctrl-Shift-Minus>|:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  614. <Space>           |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Collapse/Expand current entry
  615. <Enter>           |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Activate the edit pane
  616. <Keypad-Plus>     |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Expand current entry
  617. <Keypad-Minus>    |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Collapse current entry
  618. <Keypad-*>        |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Expand all entries
  619. <Keypad-/>        |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Collapse all entries
  620. <Home>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor to beginning of pane
  621. <End>             |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor to bottom of pane
  622. <F1>              |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  623. <PageUp>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor up one screen
  624. <PageDown>        |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor down one screen
  626. [Assignments:RWProject]
  627. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  628. // Key            |:|Command                          |:|Flags |:|Comment
  629. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  630. <Alt-F10>         |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|SpeedMenu
  631. <Alt-?>           |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  632. <Escape><?>       |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  633. <Ctrl-_>          |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  634. <Ctrl-Shift-Minus>|:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  635. <Delete>          |:|IDE.EditClear();                 |:|      |:|Delete a node
  636. <Ctrl-Delete>     |:|IDE.EditClear();                 |:|      |:|Delete a node
  637. <F1>              |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  638. <Right>           |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Scrolls pane right
  639. <Left>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Scrolls pane left
  640. <up>              |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Moves selection bar up one line
  641. <Down>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Moves selection bar down one line
  642. <Keypad-/>        |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Expand all entries
  643. <Keypad-*>        |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Collapse all entries
  644. <Keypad-Minus>    |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Collapse current entry
  645. <Keypad-Plus>     |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Expand current entry
  647. [Assignments:RWText]
  648. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  649. // Key            |:|Command                          |:|Flags |:|Comment
  650. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  651. <Alt-?>           |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  652. <Escape><?>       |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  653. <Ctrl-_>          |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  654. <Ctrl-Shift-Minus>|:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  655. <F1>              |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  656. <Alt-F9>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  657. <Insert>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  658. <Delete>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Deletes the character to the right of the cursor
  659. <Home>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor to the beginning of the line
  660. <End>             |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor to the end of the line
  661. <PageUp>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor up one screen
  662. <PageDown>        |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor down one screen
  663. <Right>           |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor one character to the right
  664. <Left>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor one character to the left
  665. <up>              |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor up one line
  666. <Down>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Move cursor down one line
  668. [Assignments:RWBitmap]
  669. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  670. // Key            |:|Command                          |:|Flags |:|Comment
  671. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  672. <Alt-?>           |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  673. <Escape><?>       |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  674. <Ctrl-_>          |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  675. <Ctrl-Shift-Minus>|:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  676. <F1>              |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  677. <Ctrl-i>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Zoom in, zooms the entire image in the currently selected window
  678. <Ctrl-o>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Zoom out, zooms out the entire image in the currently selected window
  679. <Ctrl-a>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Actual size, returns a zoomed image to its actual size
  680. <Right>           |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  681. <Left>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  682. <up>              |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  683. <Down>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  685. [Assignments:RWCursor]
  686. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  687. // Key            |:|Command                          |:|Flags |:|Comment
  688. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  689. <Alt-?>           |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  690. <Escape><?>       |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  691. <Ctrl-_>          |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  692. <Ctrl-Shift-Minus>|:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  693. <F1>              |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  694. <Ctrl-i>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Zoom in, zooms the entire image in the currently selected window
  695. <Ctrl-o>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Zoom out, zooms out the entire image in the currently selected window
  696. <Ctrl-a>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Actual size, returns a zoomed image to its actual size
  697. <Right>           |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  698. <Left>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  699. <up>              |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  700. <Down>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  702. [Assignments:RWIcon]
  703. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  704. // Key            |:|Command                          |:|Flags |:|Comment
  705. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  706. <Alt-?>           |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  707. <Escape><?>       |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  708. <Ctrl-_>          |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  709. <Ctrl-Shift-Minus>|:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  710. <F1>              |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  711. <Ctrl-i>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Zoom in, zooms the entire image in the currently selected window
  712. <Ctrl-o>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Zoom out, zooms out the entire image in the currently selected window
  713. <Ctrl-a>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Actual size, returns a zoomed image to its actual size
  714. <Right>           |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  715. <Left>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  716. <up>              |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  717. <Down>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  719. [Assignments:RWMenu]
  720. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  721. // Key            |:|Command                          |:|Flags |:|Comment
  722. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  723. <Alt-?>           |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  724. <Escape><?>       |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  725. <Ctrl-_>          |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  726. <Ctrl-Shift-Minus>|:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  727. <F1>              |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  728. <Backspace>       |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  729. <End>             |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  730. <Escape>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  731. <Delete>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  732. <Home>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  733. <Insert>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|New Menuitem, inserts a new menu item above the selected item
  734. <Enter>           |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  735. <Tab>             |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  736. <Keypad-/>        |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  737. <Keypad-*>        |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  738. <Keypad-Minus>    |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  739. <Keypad-Plus>     |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  740. <Ctrl-p>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|New Popup, inserts a new pop-up menu above the selected item
  741. <Ctrl-s>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|New Separator, inserts a new separator above the selected item
  742. <Right>           |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  743. <Left>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  744. <up>              |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  745. <Down>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  747. [Assignments:RWDialog]
  748. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  749. // Key            |:|Command                          |:|Flags |:|Comment
  750. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  751. <Alt-?>           |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  752. <Escape><?>       |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  753. <Ctrl-_>          |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  754. <Ctrl-Shift-Minus>|:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  755. <F1>              |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  756. <Home>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  757. <Right>           |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  758. <Left>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  759. <up>              |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  760. <Down>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  762. [Assignments:RWIdentifiers]
  763. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  764. // Key            |:|Command                          |:|Flags |:|Comment
  765. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  766. <Alt-?>           |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  767. <Escape><?>       |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  768. <Ctrl-_>          |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  769. <Ctrl-Shift-Minus>|:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  770. <F1>              |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  771. <Delete>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  772. <Insert>          |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  773. <Right>           |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  774. <Left>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  775. <up>              |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  776. <Down>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  778. [Assignments:RWGroupCursor]
  779. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  780. // Key            |:|Command                          |:|Flags |:|Comment
  781. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  782. <Alt-?>           |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  783. <Escape><?>       |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  784. <Ctrl-_>          |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  785. <Ctrl-Shift-Minus>|:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  786. <F1>              |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  787. <Right>           |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|Help
  788. <Left>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  789. <up>              |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  790. <Down>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  791. <Keypad-/>        |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  792. <Keypad-*>        |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  793. <Keypad-Minus>    |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  794. <Keypad-Plus>     |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  795.                                                       |:|      |:|
  796. [Assignments:RWGroupIcon]
  797. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  798. // Key            |:|Command                          |:|Flags |:|Comment
  799. //--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
  800. <Alt-?>           |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  801. <Escape><?>       |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  802. <Ctrl-_>          |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  803. <Ctrl-Shift-Minus>|:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  804. <F1>              |:|IDE.HelpView();                  |:|      |:|Help
  805. <Right>           |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  806. <Left>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  807. <up>              |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  808. <Down>            |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  809. <Keypad-/>        |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  810. <Keypad-*>        |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  811. <Keypad-Minus>    |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|
  812. <Keypad-Plus>     |:|WiredMethod();                   |:|      |:|